Preliminary Programme


Preliminary programme
Wednesday the 27th of September
11:00 - 16:00 Administrative meetings
16:00 - 17:00 Panel debate
17:00 onwards Reception in Ljusgarden
19:00 Pub quiz
Thursday the 28th of September
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:45 Opening remarks
10:00 - 11:15 Session 1
11:15 - 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:45 Session 2
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:00 Keynote by Sheilagh Ogilvie
15:15 - 16:30 Session 3
16:30 - 16:45 Coffee Break
16:45 - 18:00 Session 4
18:00 - 18:45 PhD Mingle
18:00 - 18:45 Celebrate New Scholarship: book launch
19:00 onwards Dinner at AF Borgen
Friday the 29th of September
09:00 - 10:15 Session 5
10:15 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:45 Session 6
11:45 - 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 - 14:00 Keynote by Klara Arnberg
14:15 - 15:30 Session 7

Administrative meetings

Administrative meeting schedule
Time Meeting Room
11:00-12:00 Meeting with heads of department
Alfa 1
12:00-13:00 Lunch for heads of department and director of studies
venue tba
13:00-14:00 Meeting of the directors of PhD-studies
Alfa 1
14:00-15:00 Editor’s meeting for the Scandinavian Economic History Review
Alfa 1
15:00-16:00 Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Social and Economic history
Alfa 1

Paper Sessions

The paper sessions will take place at AF Borgen in Lund. The room numbers will be updated when we know exactly which rooms we will have access to.

Session 1

Session 1
Thursday the 28th of September 10:00 - 11:15
Title Author Together with Abstracts
Room 1 Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder
Coercion through Remuneration in the Swedish Servant Institution Martin Andersson Carolina Uppenberg Click here for abstracts
Enclosures and Population in Uppsala County 1760-1900 Maja Lundqvist Click here for abstracts
Paid spinning in rural landless and semi-landless households in Sweden 1767-1797 Kathryn Gary Malin Nilsson & Mats Olsson Click here for abstracts
The Market Mightier Than the Family? A Case Study of Market Transfers and Land Distribution in Holland, 1555-1684 Bram Hilkens Click here for abstracts
Room 2 Session 1: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom
How to avoid the effects of collapsing commodities? Lessons from history Cristián Ducoing Fredrik NG Andersson, Ellen Hillbom and Sara Torregrosa Click here for abstracts
Shine a light: Community Effects of Distributed Energy Systems in East Africa since the 1990s Jakob Hannerz Jutta Bolt Click here for abstracts
What explains technological adaptation in Africa? A comparative study of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. Bertus Markus Melles Prince Young Aboagye Click here for abstracts
Room 3 Session 1: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri
At the roots of the industrial take-off: evidence from the Swedish parishes (1750-1850) Anna Missiaia Fredrik Sandgren Click here for abstracts
Development of Artisan Workshops in Southern Sweden, 1840-1890. Johanne Arnfred Click here for abstracts
Holy Cows and Spilt Milk: A Firm Level Analysis of the Impact of Religious Conflict on Productivity Christian Vedel Jeanet Bentzen, University of Copenhagen, Nina Boberg-Fazlic, TU Dortmund University, Paul Sharp, University of Southern Denmark, Christian Skovsgaard, University of Southern Denmark Click here for abstracts
Room 4 Session 1: International Trade, Mobility and Development organized by Samuel Marknäs
Mare Liberum and the Golden Mine: Anglo-Dutch Relations, the Fisheries, and the Struggle for Maritime Supremacy, 1600-1800 Samuel Marknäs Click here for abstracts
Railroads, Geographic and Social Mobility: Evidence from Nineteenth Century America Maxence Castiello Clément Bosquet Click here for abstracts
Room 5 Session 1: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell
From Mercantilism to Tariffs: The American Experience of Protectionism from the Colonial Era to the Early Republic, 1750-1830 Jeremy Land John Moore Click here for abstracts
Tariff protection in Argentina between the First Globalization and the post-war period Juan Pablo Juliá Cecilia Lara (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) Click here for abstracts
The price and welfare consequences of the British Sugar Act of 1846 Christopher Absell Click here for abstracts
Room 6 Session 1: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson
A Nation of Everyman Investors: The Popularisation of Stock Saving in Sweden David Larsson Heidenblad Click here for abstracts
Central bankers and centralized wage bargaining: A different perspective on the rise of neoliberalism in Norway Eivind Thomassen Click here for abstracts
The Struggle Against Institutions: Platform Market Creation and the State Pontus Blüme Click here for abstracts
Room 7 Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren
1930s Swedish financial crisis revisited---central banking and the lender of last resort Liang Zhao Click here for abstracts
A ‘license to innovate’ – the politics of money at the European Central Bank Ingrid Hjertaker Click here for abstracts
Riksbanken och regimskiftet: "Ett oroande spring av utländska banker" Cecilia Kahn Click here for abstracts
The Illusory Independence of Bank of Japan Åsa Malmström Rognes Click here for abstracts

Session 2

Session 2
Thursday the 28th of September 11:30 - 12:45
Title Author Together with Abstracts
Room 1 Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder
Arbetsmarknadens osynliga händer: Icke-offentlig förmedling av arbetare i och från Sverige 1850–1942 Therese Christoffersson Click here for abstracts
Enclosures and productivity in Eastern Sweden – Evidence from the land market 1840-1869 Viktor Persarvet Marja Erikson Click here for abstracts
Farmers and farm workers: work organization and social relations on six farms in central Sweden 1850-1910. Patrick Svensson Click here for abstracts
Income inequality in Sweden 1870–1970: Evidence from micro data Erik Bengtsson Jakob Molinder, Svante Prado Click here for abstracts
Room 2 Session 2: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom
Elite coalitions and industrialization in Africa Erik Green Victor Gwande, Rory Pilossof, Ushehwedu Kufakurinani Click here for abstracts
Growth and differentiation in Kenya’s public sector, ca. 1920s to 1960s Valeria Lukkari Click here for abstracts
Shrinking and financial development in Kenya and Tanzania, 1960-2020 Sascha Klocke Tobias Axelsson Click here for abstracts
Room 3 Session 2: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri
A new perspective on innovation and industrialization Kristine Bruland Click here for abstracts
Electricity as a skill-biased technology: Evidence from Sweden during early 20th century Suvi Heikkuri Svante Prado, [email protected] Click here for abstracts
The impact of electricity on productivity: an industry-level approach to Swedish manufacturing, 1913–1938 Svante Prado Christopher Absell and Jesper Hamark Click here for abstracts
Room 4 Session 2: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi
The Business of Renewable Energy Development: The Oil Industry and Geothermal Energy in Iceland and California, 1960s-1970s Odinn Melsted Click here for abstracts
The current energy crisis in historical perspective Astrid Kander Click here for abstracts
The Swedish Automobile Industry and the Environment during the Oil Crisis: The present-day environmental transition in perspective Mattias Näsman Click here for abstracts
Room 5 Session 2: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell
Kampen om skogsråvaran - köpsågverkens situation i Norrland efter 1970 Thomas Pettersson Fredrik Olsson Spjut Click here for abstracts
MUSIKLIFVETS HÖJANDE! Staffan Albinsson Click here for abstracts
Room 6 Session 2: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson
50 Shades of Trade: Swedish Trade Union Interests and the Neoliberal World Trade Regime post 1979 Li Eriksdotter Andersson Click here for abstracts
Neoliberalism in the making? The role of managerial agency in the corproatization of swedish public entperises Rasmus Nykvist Rickard Björnemalm Click here for abstracts
Patterns and Causes of Marketization in Public Services Dominic Mealy Jonas Ljungberg Click here for abstracts
Room 7 Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren
An old remedy for a new problem. How history provides the easiest route to making digital central bank money available to the public in a cash free world Lars Fredrik Øksendal Click here for abstracts
Inter-state solution in the stateless market: the international debt crisis and the global supervision of the Eurocurrency market, 1979 – 1984 Seung Woo Kim Click here for abstracts
Nordic Central Bank Cooperation 1931-1939 – Challenging an era of deglobalisation and uncertainty Gjermund Forfang Rongved Click here for abstracts
The role of clearing in central bank cooperation: From the Scandinavian Monetary Union to the Bank for International Settlements Anders Ögren Hans-Michael Trautwein Click here for abstracts

Session 3

Session 3
Thursday the 28th of September 15:15 - 16:30
Title Author Together with Abstracts
Room 1 Session 3: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder
Female labor force participation in census microdata Jørgen Modalsli Click here for abstracts
The Human Cost of Inequality: Race Differentials across Time and Space in Child Mortality in the United States, 1850-1940 Jonas Helgertz J David Hacker, Richard Steckel, Nicolas Ziebarth Click here for abstracts
The Union Wage Effect at the Dawn of the Great Levelling - Evidence from Interwar Sweden William Skoglund Click here for abstracts
Room 2 Session 3: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom
Challenges in sustaining and socially upgrading the Mauritian garment industry: The interplay of industrial policy with firm and labour responses Linn Ternsjö Click here for abstracts
David and Goliath? Botswanan elites and negotiated settlements, 1895-1975 Jorich Johann Loubser Tomás Medina Mora Perez Click here for abstracts
Lessons from successful disease prevention campaigns in former British Africa: The Nigerian experience with Yaws Jeanne Cilliers Jutta Bolt Click here for abstracts
Room 3 Session 3: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson
Critique of work and the meaning of retirement in the Swedish FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement c. 2010-2025 Charlotte Nilsson Click here for abstracts
In sickness and in health - Sickness among urban and rural working-class men and women in early 20th century Sweden Lars Fredrik Andersson Liselotte Eriksson Click here for abstracts
Occupation and family networks at old age, Västerbotten 1890-1960 Dennis Fahlgren Click here for abstracts
Room 4 Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi
ANDEANS VS NORDIC. ENERGY AS A DETERMINING FACTOR. 1870-1930 Cristián Ducoing Martin Garrido Click here for abstracts
Shades of Green in the Swedish Forest-Based Bioeconomy Transition Philipp Jonas Kreutzer Click here for abstracts
The Swedish innovation system for sustainable transitions – Insights from innovation output data Josef Taalbi Philipp Jonas Kreutzer Click here for abstracts
Room 5 Session 3: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson
Canals and the iron-industry during the early industrialisation era - state-supported growth policies in the making Björn Hasselgren Click here for abstracts
The economy of freight transport on road: Interaction between bans and technical improvements of vehicles and road construction. Jørgen Burchardt Click here for abstracts
The Formation of a New Republic: Steel Industry and Society 1871-1914 Stylianos Panagiotidis Click here for abstracts
Room 6 Session 3: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson
Decentralization and Management Consultants Mathias Krusell Click here for abstracts
Divining the Economic Future: The Stockholm School, the Rehn-Meidner model and the School of Industrial Growth in competition over forecasts for the Swedish economy 1971-1985 Elisabeth Lindberg Click here for abstracts
Underemployment and the Neoliberal Shift Paulina Vaughn Click here for abstracts
Room 7 Session 3: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo
New estimates of Swedish historical national accounts from the income side, 1870–1910 Svante Prado Erik Bengtsson and Jakob Molinder Click here for abstracts
The Swedish State Revenues and Finances 1350–1600 Olov Lund Dag Retsö Click here for abstracts
Trade shocks and Resilience to Economic shrinking: comparative analysis of Argentina, Australia, and Canada Juan Pablo Juliá Martin Andersson (Lund University) Click here for abstracts
Room 8 Session 3: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 organized by Fia Sundevall
Ambivalent solidaritet? Nation, migration och rasifiering i Svenska kommunalarbetareförbundet 1972-2002 Daniel Stridh Click here for abstracts
Paid domestic work in Sweden 1890-1939 Sofi Vedin Click here for abstracts

Session 4

Session 4
Thursday the 28th of September 16:45 - 18:00
Title Author Together with Abstracts
Room 1 Session 4: Fast-track to publication in the SEHR organized by SEHM
Fast-track session placeholder Fast-track session placeholder Fast-track session placeholder Click here for abstracts
Room 2 Session 4: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack
Family life cycle living standards in a pre/early industrial city: Stockholm from 1800 to 1880 Anton Svensson Click here for abstracts
Life-long effects of incremental economic resources in childhood: the introduction of the first Swedish child allowance in 1938 Louise Cormack Click here for abstracts
Too sick to work: welfare benefits in early 20th century Sweden Helene Castenbrandt Click here for abstracts
Room 3 Session 4: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson
Conceptualizing and measuring retirement in historical micro-level data Tobias Karlsson Click here for abstracts
Local level state capacity in Sweden in the 19th century Johan Ericsson Click here for abstracts
Old age, pensions and retirement before the welfare state Jaco Zuijderduijn Click here for abstracts
Room 4 Session 4: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi
Is public energy innovation funding in line with Swedish environmental targets? Johanna Fink Josef Taalbi Click here for abstracts
Perceived Resources for Battery Manufacturing in Norway Øyvind H. Nordbotten Øyvind H. Nordbotten Click here for abstracts
The Little Ice Age energy transition John brolin Click here for abstracts
Room 5 Session 4: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson
Public policies, electrification and electric vehicle adoption: A comparative case study of Chicago Josef Taalbi Alexandra López Cermeño Click here for abstracts
SAS and the Cold War Jan Ottosson Lars Fälting Click here for abstracts
The State as Gardener – the State as Structure Anna Lindgren Click here for abstracts
Room 6 Session 4: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson
Explorers and creators of markets - Market research and public relations in Sweden 1980s to 1990s Elin Åström Rudberg Click here for abstracts
The politics of profits: Profit squeeze and macroeconomic management in Sweden, 1975–1985 Erik Bengtsson Click here for abstracts
Work life as an arena for neoliberal subjectification: The case of personal time management in Sweden during the 1980s Charlotte Nilsson Click here for abstracts
Room 7 Session 4: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo
Growth and Resilience Theory: A new way of conceptualising convergence dynamics. Anthony Smythe Click here for abstracts
Is Economic Growth Sustainable? Conflicting Signals from International Organisations Cristián Ducoing Eoin McLaughlin and Nick Hanley Click here for abstracts
Swedish Historical National Accounts 2023 Update, Revision and Underlying Principles Kerstin Enflo Charlie Nilsson, Kerstin Enflo, Håkan Lobell, Olle Krantz Click here for abstracts
Room 8 Session 4: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 organized by Fia Sundevall
En kamp om produktionen. Arbetare och rationaliseringspolitik i Sverige 1920–1950 Arvand Mirsafian Click here for abstracts
Fackets roll i prekariseringen: LOs förhandlingar om anställningtryggheten 1990-2020 Thea Holmlund Click here for abstracts
What do and don’t the censuses tell us about married women’s work? Kelsey Marleen Mol Click here for abstracts

Session 5

Session 5
Friday the 29th of September 09:00 - 10:15
Title Author Together with Abstracts
Room 1 Session 5: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk
Consumption patterns and living standards in towns around the Baltic, c. 1540-1860: Probate Evidence from Three Towns in Denmark and Southern Sweden Marcus Falk Erik Bengtsson Click here for abstracts
Det svenska spinnhusets ekonomi, 1724 – 1825 Hedvig Widmalm Click here for abstracts
Likvida affärer. Ored Olsson i Grönhult, Villands Vånga, och brännvinsekonomin vid 1800-talets mitt. Docent Anders Perlinge, Institutet för Ekonomisk-historisk och Företagshistorisk Forskning (EHFF), Handelshögskolan i Stockholm Click here for abstracts
Room 2 Session 5: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka
Changing values on sexual behaviours in South-East Europe 1995–2020 Peter Gladoic Håkansson Dubravka Gladoic Håkansson Click here for abstracts
Life-cycle effects of sex education Volha Lazuka Annika Elwert Click here for abstracts
Sex and the Single Girl: The Pill and a Century of Unwed Childbearing Kelly Ragan Click here for abstracts
Room 3 Session 5: Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing organized by Youssouf Merouani
Do women patent differently - the patent system of the GDR Finni Jo Erdmann Click here for abstracts
Women inventors: an exploration of French patents 1791-1900 Youssouf Merouani Faustine Perrin Click here for abstracts
Women, Jews, and Foreigners. A Data Analysis of Minority Inventorship in Nazi Germany Sophia Rishyna Click here for abstracts
Room 4 Session 5: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern
Natural Resource Constraint on Fiscal Capacity: Evidence from Canadian Municipalities Clara Dallaire-Fortier Giacomo Rella Click here for abstracts
The value of practical knowledge: Skilled workrs’ job switching within, to and from mining in Norway from ca. 1787 to 1940 Kristin Ranestad Click here for abstracts
This land is my land: A Global and Comparative History of Regulation of Agricultural Land c. 1789-1913 Pål Thonstad Sandvik Pål Thonstad Sandvik Click here for abstracts
Room 5 Session 5: Land and the political economy organized by Klas Eriksson
Freehold Land, Resistance To Authoritarianism and Support for Democracy: Evidence from France Adrien Montalbo Click here for abstracts
The Social Origins of Democracy and Authoritarianism Reconsidered: Prussia and Sweden in Comparison Erik Bengtsson Felix Kersting (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Click here for abstracts
To be Home and to be Free – How Homeliness and Emancipation was Discussed in the Transformations of City Environments During Swedish Functionalism 1945-74 Klas Eriksson Click here for abstracts
Room 6 Session 5: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom
Income inequality and its drivers in colonial Kenya, 1921-1960 Valeria Lukkari Maria Mwaipopo Fibaek Click here for abstracts
Moderate Opulence: The Evolution of Wealth inequality in Mexico in its first century of independence Diego Castañeda Garza Click here for abstracts
The distributive effects of consumption taxes Sara Torregrosa-Hetland Oriol Sabaté Click here for abstracts

Session 6

Session 6
Friday the 29th of September 10:30 - 11:45
Title Author Together with Abstracts
Room 1 Session 6: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk
“Two pairs of cotton socks, and 1 ditto worn.” - Cotton consumption households in Karlskrona at the turn of the 1800s. Christina Dackling Click here for abstracts
An entangled affair: How merchants incorporated the household into the business, or the case of the Scots-Dutch merchant house Hope & Co., ca 1730–1830 Patrick van der Geest Click here for abstracts
Relieving famine. Northern Sweden (Västerbotten) during the 1860s: Local, Regional and Comparative Perspectives. Henrik Forsberg Magnus Bohman Click here for abstracts
Room 2 Session 6: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka
Advertising Birth Control: The contraceptive business and sex education in Sweden 1910–1938 Anna Inez Bergman Anna Inez Bergman Click here for abstracts
The Power of the Pill: Evidence from Oral Contraceptive Sales kelly ragan Click here for abstracts
Room 3 Session 6: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson
Gender, migration and labor market: Swedish migration to the US at the turn of the 20th century. Marcos Castillo Click here for abstracts
Remaining in the Northern ”Future Country”? Migration patterns among graduates from the technical secondary school in Härnösand, 1901-1971 Per-Olof Grönberg Fay Lundh Nilsson Click here for abstracts
The Urban Premium During Industrialization: Evidence from Rural-Urban Migration in Sweden Jonatan Andersson Jakob Molinder Click here for abstracts
Room 4 Session 6: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern
"Societal Interests demands that this splendor remains in the hands of the village”: The Issue of Usage and Ownership of Norwegian Mountain Ranges, 1915-1940. Kasper Hage Stjern Click here for abstracts
The making and breaking of an “international order” of mineral extraction in the long 19th century Andreas R.D. Sanders Click here for abstracts
Room 5 Session 6: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson
‘I am doing divinely’ Jenny Lind’s financial legacy Staffan Albinsson Click here for abstracts
Forging a cultural economy: Swedish-American publishing networks and organizations in the mid-west 1860-1880 Erik Thosteman Click here for abstracts
Hälsokris och ekonomisk omvandling. Covid 19:s påverkan på näringslivet i Sverige. Anders Houltz Hans Sjögren Click here for abstracts
Room 6 Session 6: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom
Invisible Borders – Persisting Scars: How the Apartheid Homelands Define Contemporary South Africa Peter Courtney Click here for abstracts
Understanding wage discrimination in a settler colony: Khoesan wages in nineteenth century Cape Colony Erik Green Calumet Links Click here for abstracts
What we gained that time we lost so much Diego Castañeda Garza Sergio Silva Castañeda Click here for abstracts
Room 7 Session 6: The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research organized by Jonathan Jayes, Jonas Kreutzer, Youssouf Merouani
Forging the path to innovation: Gender and social networks during French industrialization Youssouf Merouani Click here for abstracts
Something about code review Jonas Kreutzer Click here for abstracts
Wired for Success: Sweden's Electrical Innovators in the Age of Industrial Transformation Jonathan Jayes Click here for abstracts

Session 7

Session 7
Friday the 29th of September 14:15 - 15:30
Title Author Together with Abstracts
Room 1 Session 7: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack
Life-cycle impact on consumption in southern Sweden, probate evidence from southern Sweden c. 1680-1860 Marcus Falk Click here for abstracts
Planning for old age: household savings in Sweden in the early 20th century Kristina Lilja Click here for abstracts
Short-term variation in urban breadwinner incomes as a determinant for the earnings of their spouse and children: Sweden 1913-14 Malin Nilsson Stefan Öberg Click here for abstracts
Room 2 Session 7: Health crises: plagues and strikes organized by Nicolas Maughan
A Weakened Society? Plague, Economy and Social Resilience in Early 18th-Century Provence Nicolas Maughan Click here for abstracts
Island Women and the Obesity Transition: Examining SES, Ethnicity and Economic Development Anna Tegunimataka (Department of Economic History, Lund University) Omar Karlsson (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health) Click here for abstracts
The Effect of Strikes on Health Nikolaos Prodromidis Click here for abstracts
Room 3 Session 7: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson
Building Socialism on Abandoned Land: The Long-term Impact of Deportations in South-East Poland Oliver Wach Click here for abstracts
Migrant selection and labor outcomes of Non-Western immigrants in Sweden and Denmark after the 2001 Danish reforms Fátima de Arriba Moreno Anna Tegunimataka and Jonas Helgertz Click here for abstracts
The Returns to Migration: Internal Migration and Intergenerational Mobility in Sweden, 1880-1940 Jonatan Andersson Click here for abstracts
Room 4 Session 7: Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development organized by Kasper Hage Stjern
Cartels for building materials as construction foundations for building large corporations Malin Dahlström Click here for abstracts
Drivers of market concentration in the Swedish brewery sector, 1910-1990 Henric Häggqvist Click here for abstracts
Intermediaries of Cartelization: The Regional Circuits of the Norwegian and Swedish Brewery Cartels, 1906-1956 Kasper Hage Stjern Click here for abstracts
Room 5 Session 7: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson
A family affair: financial strategies and intergenerational wealth accumulation among the Swedish nobility (18th and 19th centuries). Matteo Pompermaier Martin Dackling Click here for abstracts
The art of surviving as a family business – the Nordic case Hans Sjögren Click here for abstracts
Room 6 Session 7: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom
A Wicked War: War and the Wealth Inequality – Public Debt Nexus. Diego Castañeda Garza Click here for abstracts
Destined to the top? Intergenerational wealth transmission and elite persistence in the Caribbean at turbulent times (1760-1914) Stefania Galli Dimitrios Thedoridis and Klas Rönnbäck Click here for abstracts
Social Tables for Tanganyika, 1925-1957 Sascha Klocke Click here for abstracts
Room 7 Session 7: History of consumption organized by Fia Sundevall
Moderate advertising The historical development of the regulation of alcohol advertising in Sweden 1950–2003 Michael Funke Click here for abstracts
The Frontline Christmas Gift: Promoting Home-front Patriotism in Second World War Sweden Nikolas Glover Fia Sundevall; Klara Arnberg Click here for abstracts

Session groupings

28th of Septmeber 29th of Septmeber
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7
Room 1 Labour, living standards and inequality Labour, living standards and inequality Labour, living standards and inequality Pre-Industrial Households and Markets Pre-Industrial Households and Markets Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship
Room 2 Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality Health crises: plagues and strikes
Room 3 Consequences of Technological Change Consequences of Technological Change The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing Historical Perspectives on Migration Historical Perspectives on Migration
Room 4 International Trade, Mobility and Development Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development
Room 5 The political economy of protection The political economy of protection Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization Land and the political economy Families, business and wealth Families, business and wealth
Room 6 The Neoliberal Shift The Neoliberal Shift The Neoliberal Shift The Neoliberal Shift Global inequality – levels and trends Global inequality – levels and trends Global inequality – levels and trends
Room 7 Central banking – a science or an art? Central banking – a science or an art? Historical national accounts Historical national accounts Uncovering the Historical Dynamics of Consumer, House, and Property Prices in Sweden The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research History of consumption
Room 8 Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850